lørdag 12. oktober 2013

More aurelians

 Anton Mego hybrid Tropical Garden

 Ole G. Larsen seedling, ( L. sargentiae x OT pollen) x OT pollen.

 Label lost, might be ( L. rosthornii x Buttercurls) x op. Seeds from John Lykkegaard.

 Label lost, might be ( L. rosthornii x Buttercurls) x op. Seeds from John Lykkegaard.

 Not sure of the coss.

Label lost, might be ( L. rosthornii x Buttercurls) x op. Seeds from John Lykkegaard.

 Jürgen Koch seedling. HK3/03.21 x DIRKSEN

Jürgen Koch seedling LILIUM HENRYI x E7...16.1

 Tag lost, not sure of the cross.

Anton Mego hybrid AM-04/2041-4


I have had many great aurelians in the greenhouse as well as in the garden. Both Mego hybrids and Kroell hybrids have been amazing.

 Charles Kroell hybrid with black heart.

 Anton Mego hybrid Beautiful Victoria.

 Anton Mego hybrid Elegan

 John Lykkegaard seedling.

 Charles Kroell hybrid Betty Sturley.

 Trumpet seedling, not sure of the cross.

 This might be a seedling from ( L. sargentiae x OT pollen) x OT pollen. Seeds from Ole G. Larsen in Denmark.

 I really like this one. Not sure of the cross.

 A John Lykkegaard seedling.

 A John Lykkegaard seedling. Blooming for weeks.

 Anton Mego hybrid Magic Lamp.

Charles Kroell seedling: White henryi Fleck x CK06-HT13. Have never seen a lily like this one.